參考官方教學 https://github.com/timgrossmann/InstaPy/blob/e6c0071a9b17d64a30958e51eefb7cd063ae2648/docs/How_to_Raspberry.md 很重要一點 chromedriver 記得一定要移入assets資料夾內 For Chrome This assumes you're using the latest version of raspbian (stretch). Note that this works best running headless. Switch to the root user sudo su Update apt source lists echo "deb http://security.debian.org/debian-security stretch/updates main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list Update apt-get update Install the browser apt-get install chromium-browser Install the driver apt-get install chromedriver Move the driver into the InstaPy/assets directory mv /usr/bin/chromedriver /home/pi/Projects/InstaPy/assets/chromedriver nano instapy/settings.py change "chromedriver_min_version = 2.36" to "chromedriver_min_version = 2.33" & save file 之後記得安裝其他套件 sudo pip install selenium sudo pip install clarifai sudo pip install emoji 之後輸入 即可執行 python quickstart.py 如果要使用 pyt...